Analogy between the dual (Spírit-Matter) of God, the True Light and the dual (wave-particle) of Einstein Theory of Light.
The analogy between the dual nature (spirit-matter) of the true Light God and the dual natural (wave-particle) of Albert Einstein's natural light theory There is no doubt that we live in a time when people are running from here to there and from there to here, and science is multiplying by leaps and bounds. Four hundred years before Christ (400 BC), God gave a Word to the Prophet Daniel, but it was not for his time, but for these times, which we are witnessing now. Then God tells him: " But you, Daniel, shut up the words and mark the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." (Daniel 12:4- ESV). In the last fifty years, with the discoveries of "Quantum Physics," technological achievements have occurred at such a dizzying rate that it has gripped the world in ways previously only imagined in science fiction. Some of these innovations transformed our daily lives, such as electricity, radio, television, fi...
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