Filling Betrayed

 Filling Betrayed

In Psalm 35:12-14, he laments, “I have been repaid evil for good. Desolation for my soul! However, when they fell ill, I put on affliction. I afflicted myself with fasting, and my prayer returned to my bosom. As for my partner, as for my brother, I acted Like someone who mourns for a mother; in mourning, he humiliated me. This passage expresses the anguish of someone betrayed or mistreated despite having acted kindly.

In another verse, Psalm 38:20 says: “Those who repay evil for good are contrary to me, because I follow what is good.” Here, the frustration of receiving evil for good is highlighted, even when the right thing has been done.

These psalms remind us that, even though we sometimes face ingratitude or betrayal, we must continue to do good without expecting earthly rewards, trusting that our true reward comes from God.🙏


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