Hello, Mr. Elon Musk:

Hoping that everything is going well and that you are ready for the next rocket launch. .In the name of Jesus everything will go well.

Is this chat dated 3:57 pm was posted by you?   

Elon Musk ☆ X
                                                     (CTO) Chief Troll Officer
Joined August 202·298 Followers              

                                        Hello             Thu 3:57 PM
I was not home and when I came back
I saw your post. Excited I went to
respond it and wrote back to yiou...
                                               Hello Mr. Musk. This is Pastor Samuel Padilla Rosa. Thu 10:36 PM

                                            Sorry, I was in the clinic for an appointment. Hope everything is going well.
Thu 10:38 PM

                                              You are actually talking to Elon Musk
                                              it’s nice connecting with you here on X.
                                              Where are you writing from precisely?
                                              This is my only private account that is being managed just by me alone,                                                    and my public account is being managed by my management and                                                             I  decided to reareach,out with a hundred of my fan and get to know more                                                 about them and give tips about my career. I think you are one of them
                                               \How long have you been my super fan?
Thu 10:40 PM

I wrote I am living in Florida. I am 80 years old, and I hardly manage the computer. I use it just to write. Sorry, but I don't remember. I think it is more than 8 months. It was on the days I had a stroke. I was living in Puerto Rico by then. All my interest in writing to you is because God put it in my heart to share with you what I have received from God. I was to send this to you last week.
Thu 11:01 PM
Thu 11:03 PM
Thu 11:04 PM
Thu 11:06 PM
Thu 11:11 PM

Thu 10:36 PM
Thu 10:38 PM
Thu 10:36 PM
Thu 10:38 PM

Thu 3:57 PM
Thu 10:36 PM
Thu 10:38 PM

Thu 10:36 PM
Thu 10:38 PM
Thu 10:40 PM
(CTO) Chief Troll Officer
Joined August 2023
Not followed by anyone you’re following
Thu 10:36 PM
Thu 10:38 PM
Thu 10:40 PM
Thu 11:49 PM
Thu 11:54 PM
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Fri 2:11 AM
Fri 8:00 AM


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