From my book "9-11" - A 9-1-1 God's Emergency Call to America

The Dragon (Revelation Chapter 12) - The G-7 Group Gives the Authority, the Throne, and the Power to the First Beast of (Revelation Chapter 13) G-20 - China

Both the scarlet dragon (G-7 Group) in Revelation chapter 12 and the first beast of Revelation (chapter 13) have the same configuration: seven (7) heads and ten (10) horns. But there is a difference – instead of the crowns being on the seven (7) heads of the dragon, chapter twelve (12), here in the first beast of chapter thirteen (13), the diadems are on the ten (10) horns. There is a change of authority, throne, and power from the dragon of chapter (12) (G-7 Group) to the first beast of chapter (13) (G-20 Group).

The (G-8) Group 

After 9/11, in October 2001, the senior representatives of Justice and Home Affairs of the G-8 group met in Rome to discuss the measures the G-8 group should take to combat international terrorism. They combined it with the “Lyon Group” (fight against transnational crime). Since then, the Lyon and G-8 Group have met annually in joint sessions.

"NATO", the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is also known as the “North Atlantic Alliance”. NATO was founded in April 1949 in Washington DC. Its purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.

In 2009, a new possibility was presented to the world when the (G-20), an assembly that brings together the world's major developed nations and emerging economies, met in Pittsburgh to formulate a response to the global financial crisis. As a highlight of the US presidency of the (G20 Group), US President Barack Obama chaired the summit that designated the (G20 Group) as the primary coordinating body for global economic policy. Under Bill Clinton's presidency, Russia had been invited to be part of the (G-7 Group) thus becoming known as the (G-8 Group). But with the invasion of Crimea, Russia was not invited to this meeting, and China took its place.

One of Barak Obama's priorities at the (G-20) summit in 2009 was his strategic shift towards the Asia-Pacific, changing the focus from Europe for 200 years to Asia, shifting from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thus, Obama proclaimed himself “the first president of the United States in the Pacific.” Behind this title, China is a direct factor. Thus, the group of the scarlet dragon (G-7) gives all authority to the first beast of Revelation 13:2, with China being the most essential nation among the nations (G-20).


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