From My Book "Christianity and Quantum Physics  

The book of Genesis is the beginning, innocence, guilt, redemption, and perfection of every man and woman. What happened there is what is happening to humanity here and now. They represent what men and women are. They represent man and woman as we know them, with all their capacities and potentials, under the influence of their Creator. Being created purely spiritually, in the image and likeness of their Creator, by disobedience to the Superior Law, they fell into the merely biological, like the rest of the animals God created.

From Disobedience to Anarchy

In the Garden of Eden, there were laws and rules to follow to live in an environment of peace and harmony in a Fine Tune Universe. However, there was a tree in the garden which, when ingesting (eating) its fruit, would destabilize that balance and harmony. There was also a cunning serpent, more than all the animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. (Gen. 3:1).

Tree of Knowledge and Evil

"But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17)

In the Jewish and Christian tradition, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the eating of its fruits, represents, in the book of Genesis, the beginning of the mixture of good and evil at the same time. This is what, in the preamble of the author of the book, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo, said about "drama," where good and evil, good and bad, joy and sorrow, etc. concur. It is the joy of seeing the trees bloom in spring and the pain of seeing them die in the harsh winter. It is the joy that wine produces and, on the other hand, the moral and spiritual degradation that it entails. Hosea 4:11 says, "Fornication, wine, and new wine take away judgment."

The Forbidden fruit

Several theories designate the type of fruit the couple ate in the Garden of Eden. One of them is the mistranslation of the Latin word malum-mal (evil) for the phrase malus-apple. Other theories say that the forbidden fruit was the fig tree since the leaves used to cover their nakedness were those of the fig tree. A beautiful tree, cider, an intoxicating drink, an apple product. The word cider comes from the Latin sicĕra, which in turn comes from the Hebrew šēkāt, an intoxicating drink made from apples. From there, it seems to be the tradition to point out "the apple," the forbidden fruit.

Whatever the forbidden fruit, the truth is that eating said fruit and, even more, disobeying the Creator's Law caused man's separation from the Creator of him.

The Fallen Man Separated from His Creator

After they ate the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve ran to hide among the trees in the garden because they heard the footsteps of the Lord walking in the cool air of the day. For the first time, the emotion of fear seizes the couple's psyche. 

A diet that includes foods and beverages such as alcohol and drugs can alter the states of consciousness of those who consume them, with prolonged use can alter or modify the DNA reading. The consumption of alcoholic beverages causes a memory deficit as a product of alcohol in the hippocampus. In women, the toxic effect is more pronounced than in men because they metabolize it worse. What it does is that it releases dopamine, giving rise to a pleasant stimulus. Some molecules, such as amphetamines, exert brain doping, increasing dopamine in memory networks and retaining memories for a short period. To speak, imagine, reflect, reason, calculate, decide, or plan the future, we need memory that manages in real-time and keeps stored information present.

We do not remember everything that happens around us; however, if the intensity of the stimulus is vigorous, that experience is fixed and stored in the long term. The more sensitive or emotional we are to an incident, the more details are memorized, and the sense of reality increases. The lived and the known configured memory.

The Trauma of Fear in Adam and Eve

After they ate the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve ran to hide among the trees in the garden because they heard the footsteps of the Lord walking in the cool air of the day. For the first time, the emotion of fear seizes the couple's psyche. 

The trauma of Adam's fear

After the couple's auditory sense was stimulated by the sound of the waves, in hearing  Jehovah God's footsteps in the garden, the couple's limbic system was activated and automatically took control of the situation. This produced immediate physiological changes without them having a chance to reason.

The limbic system comprises various brain structures that regulate physiological responses to certain stimuli. It comprises parts of the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, corpus callosum, septum, and midbrain.

The amygdala, our emotional defense, is the most essential structure within the limbic system. It is the one that saves and manages our most irrational emotions. This part of the brain in which the "defense" is generated against the worst feelings of the human being: fear, anger, sadness, and emotional defense. It is the most critical structure within the limbic system.

Hearing the footsteps of Jehovah God (it is like the weak signal of an AM radio), adrenaline began to permeate the couple's bloodstream. Like Darwin's animals, they no longer had the knowledge and science of their Creator to seek a rational answer. They lost the ability to reason because they lost it with disobedience. He only had the animal instinct to "stay and fight or flee." They chose the latter, to hide, to flee from the presence of their Creator. The Spirit of their Creator, the image of Him, was no longer in them, and, therefore, the ability to reflect, reason, and anticipate the future by the Creator's plan for them no longer existed. They hid in fear among the trees of the Orchard.

The fear immediately triggered countless physiological reactions which they could not control. Cellular metabolism increased, blood pressure rose, the heart beat rapidly, and the pulse quickened. They began to sweat, and their mouths went dry. They felt their breath escape, and a sensation of suffocation and oppression invaded their chests. They felt nauseated and dizzy. They thought that soon, everything would get out of control, and they would go crazy.

It was a terrible fear of dying, believing that by disobeying and eating the forbidden fruit, the death of an angry God would suddenly come upon them at any moment and, like a sword of Damocles, that phrase weighed on their heads: "The day you eat of it, you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17).

The shadows of the night, the noise of a restless animal, the howling of the wind, the movement of a tree branch; all this, in their fevered minds, were ghosts that came to bring them death. Now, at any moment less expected, they would suffer death for having transgressed the supreme order of their Creator. This threat caused them tremendous stress, and now they would die like any living thing among Darwin's survivors.

It is that the Word of God says in the book of Deuteronomy: “But it will come to pass, if you do not listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, to try to fulfill all his commandments and his statutes that I intimate you today, that all these curses will come upon you and they will reach you. Cursed be you in the city and cursed in the country. Damn your basket and your kneading trough. Cursed be the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your land, the young of your cows, and the flocks of your sheep. Cursed shall you be when you enter, and cursed shall you be when you go out. And the Lord will send a curse upon you, grief and astonishment in all that you lay your hand and do, until you are destroyed, and soon perish because of the wickedness of your works for which you have left me.” (Deuteronomy 28:15-20).

And he goes on to say: “And not even among these nations shall you rest, nor shall the sole of your foot have rest; for there the Lord will give you a fearful heart, and fainting of eyes, and sadness of soul; and you will have your life as something that hangs before you, and you will be afraid night and day, and you will not have security of your life. In the morning you will say: Who would give that it was the afternoon! and in the evening you will say: Who would have been the morning! because of the fear of your heart with which you will be terrified, and because of what your eyes will see.” (Deuteronomy 28: 65-67)

The Consequences of Disobedience

The constant stress that all this entails contributes to an excess of cortisol, and its early breakdown in the blood leads to the spread of free radicals, which has dire consequences for health.

Medical research has studied the effect of free radicals on the body in recent years. These are positive ions, atoms, or molecules that have lost an electron, thus becoming positively charged. We already said that stress increases our body's free radicals. These compounds play a crucial role in the genesis of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Since they are atoms or molecules that lack an electron in the body, they try to recover that electron and do it aggressively. When this process occurs inside cells, they lose their defensive capacity. Free radicals or positive ions damage the nucleus of cells, thus affecting the genetic material itself, which is why the cell degenerates, becoming cancerous.

By transgressing the Supreme Law of God, the couple lost the image of their Creator and lost the “Sixth Sense of Spiritual Perception.” However, God allowed them to maintain the property of perceiving external and internal reality with the five bodily senses. They would have to find the good things in life and

The Longing for a Lost Paradise

The desire to transcend is the central appetite of the soul. The need to transcend so seized the psalmist that he came to envy the sparrow and the swallow for nesting and fluttering near the Lord's altar. "Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for itself, where it lays its young, near your altars, oh, Jehovah of hosts, my King, and my God." (Psalms 84:3).

When, for whatever reason, men and women fail to transcend themselves through worship, good works, and spiritual exercises, they are inclined to resort to chemical substitutes for religion and drugs. Looking around us, we can see how the use of legal or illegal drugs, including alcohol, is being consumed in increasing numbers. In ancient Greece, it was known as (pharmakos).


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