
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2023

Genesis God’s Creation

  "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." (Genesis 1:2)  It was a large and imposing depth that its bottom could not be found. The lack of light produced absolute darkness and no life, but the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The Big Ban is Analogous to the Beginning of God's Creation   Then the echo of a roar was heard and felt as the Creator and the whole army of heaven burst into the history of the beginning of our world. "The earth was shaken and shook. The foundations of the mountains shook. Coals were lit by him. He bowed down the heavens and descended, and there was thick darkness under his feet. He rode on a cherub, and flew, flew on the wings of the wind. He put darkness by his hiding place by his curtain around himself: dark waters, clouds from the heavens. By the brightness of his presence, his clouds passed, hail and burning coals. Jehovah thundered i...


    From My Book "Christianity and Quantum Physics   The book of Genesis is the beginning, innocence, guilt, redemption, and perfection of every man and woman. What happened there is what is happening to humanity here and now. They represent what men and women are. They represent man and woman as we know them, with all their capacities and potentials, under the influence of their Creator. Being created purely spiritually, in the image and likeness of their Creator, by disobedience to the Superior Law, they fell into the merely biological, like the rest of the animals God created. From Disobedience to Anarchy In the Garden of Eden, there were laws and rules to follow to live in an environment of peace and harmony in a Fine Tune Universe. However, there was a tree in the garden which, when ingesting (eating) its fruit, would destabilize that balance and harmony. There was also a cunning serpent, more than all the animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. (Gen. 3:...


 PARTE I El libro del Génesis es el principio, la inocencia, la culpa, la redención y la perfección de todo hombre y mujer. Lo que pasó ahí es lo que le está pasando a la humanidad, aquí y ahora. Representan lo que son el hombre y la mujer. Representan al hombre y la mujer como los conocemos, con todas sus capacidades y potenciales, bajo la influencia de su Creador. Siendo creados puramente espirituales, a imagen y semejanza de su Creador, por desobediencia a la Ley Superior, cayeron en lo meramente biológico, como el resto de los animales que Dios creó. De La Desobediencia a La Anarquía En el Huerto del Edén había leyes y reglas a seguir para poder vivir en un ambiente de paz y harmonía. No obstante, había en el huerto un árbol el que al ingerir (comer) su fruto desestabilizaría ese equilibrio y esa harmonía, el Árbol de la Ciencia y del mal. Existía, además, una serpiente  astuta, más que todos los animales del campo que Jehová Dios había hecho. (Gen. 3:1). Árbol de la...

Excerpts From My Book - "9-11" - A 9-1-1 God's Emergency Call to America - PART II

 EXCERPTS PART II The book of Genesis presents three entities amid the Garden of Eden: The tree of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and a serpent (the craftiest of the wild animals God had created.). (Genesis 3:1).              The life of the spirit (the tree of life) represents o ur spirituality connected with the heavens’ realm and God himself. The tree of life is for the victorious one. “I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” (Revelation 7:2).              “Those who wash their robes may be blessed and have the right to the tree of life and go through the gates into the city.” (22:14). “A soothing tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4). The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life. (11:30). The tree of knowledge of good and evil represents the intellect  and the soul , which play...

Excerpts of My Book - "9-11" - "A 9-1-1 God's Emergency Call to America

  Chapter VII   The United States and the (G-7) Group The (G-7) Group In 1975 the President of France, Valery Giscard d' Estaing, convened an economic summit meeting in which Germany, Japan, England, and the United States were present. President Giscard d'Estaing and German President Schmid thought to establish a forum of world leaders to discuss world economic issues. As a result, in 1976, Italy and Canada joined the Group of Five, and their configuration became known as "the Group of Seven" or "G-7". This G-7 Group began to meet annually to discuss economic matters to set a stage for informal consultations.       From the ethical point of view, this organization, represented by the (G-7), refers to the order or system under which Satan has organized the unbelieving humanity according to its cosmic principles of strength, pride, selfishness, ambition, and pleasure. Indeed, in the desert, the devil shows Jesus all these world's kingdoms' splend...

Extracts of my book Coming Soon - "9-11" - "A 9-1-1 God's Emergency Call to America" -

  Extracts of my book, coming soon  9-11 A 9-1-1 God's Emergency Call to America Extract of chapter VIII - The Accuser of our brothers and sisters is hurled down to earth - like the Tween Towers on 9-11, 2001 In 2016, fifteen years after 9-11 2001, when the dragon believed he had the victory, an event occurred that would change everything. The scarlet dragon was surprised and thrown down to the earth when Michael and his angels fought back and hurled the dragon to the earth. He could no longer hide his identity under the deception of being a child of heaven among the people of Israel and the church, accusing the true children of God, as in Job’s case, (presenting himself as an angel of light ), but  was cast to the ground.    The accuser of our brothers and sisters is hurled down  to earth – like the Tween Towers on 9-11, 2001  “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, Satan, who leads the whole world as...