David and Goliath and the Frontal Lobule


In 1 Samuel 17, we find the telling of the story of David and Goliath. A proper story for children, but if we look at it  from the neuroscience's scientific perspective, we will see the depth of that story,  becoming solid spiritual knowledge for those who, by use, have their senses exercised in the discernment of good and evil.' (Hebrews 5:12-14).

The Philistines, Israel's fierce enemies, had challenged the Israelites to war. The two armies positioned themselves facing each other on opposite mountains, with the Valley of Elah between and waited. For 40 days, Goliath, a Philistine giant in impressive armor, would go out from morning until evening, bullying and challenging the people of Israel.

And (David) took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the shepherd's sack, in the bag that he brought, and took his sling in his hand, and went towards the Philistine. (40). David put his hand into the bag, took a stone from there, slung it, and struck the Philistine on the forehead, and the stone was stuck in the forehead and fell on his face to the ground. (49). Then David ran and stood on the Philistine, and taking his sword and drawing it from his scabbard, he finished killing him and cut off his head with it. And when the Philistines saw his champion dead, they fled. (51).

Those people doing evil things in the streets are one of our Giants to fight.

We, You and Me, have to do like David did. We have to take the stone that the builders rejected, Christ's teachings (1 Peter 2:4-9), and with the force of the sling  (God's Spirit) strike him on the forehead (on the giant's frontal lobe), 'our old primitive, ancient, reptilian limbic system's behavior, walking in the vanity of our unconscious animal mind.  Because if our understanding is darkened, alien to the life of God's laws, we lose all sensitivity (17,18).

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain with which we solve problems, analyze, think, and project ourselves into the future. Many times, we cannot solve our problems, we cannot analyze things well, and we do not progress in the spiritual life because of the giant of our old way of living. Acting by the animal instincts impulses like Adam and Eve in the Garden when they sensed they were in peril of death. As they had lost the ability to reason, his amygdala activated and triggered the "fight or flight" limbic system unconscious mechanism; they flew and hid. 

Through Moses, God told the people of Israel: "...these words that I speak to you today will be like frontlets between your eyes (the frontal lobule), and you will bind them as a sign on your hand." (Deuteronomy 6:8). David took the stone, (Christ's words), and threw it with the sling, (the power of the Spirit) and embedded it in the giant's forehead, (where his frontal lobe and his old way of thinking are stored).

David defeated the giant Goliath (our old way of living, thinking, and behaving) with a stone, the stone of  (Christ and his Word), thrown with a sling, the force of the Spirit of God. (The Spirit of God, like the sling, like the wave of light which travels at 300,000 k/s.). God is light, and like the stone thrown with the force of the sling of David, the Word of God comes out of its mouth at the speed of Light).

Although the giant wore a bronze helmet (symbol of matter) on his head, that helmet had a slit precisely in the forehead where the Word says to put the Word of him. In the front, between your eyes, where that part of the brain is located, we think and solve problems, among other activities with the frontal lobe. It is that part of the brain with which we decide. We choose the good and the bad. God said to Cain: 'If you do well, will you not be exalted? and if you do not do well, sin is at the door.' (Genesis 4:7).

Let's defeat the giant of our times, the old way of living and thinking with the stone of God's Word by embedding it as frontals between our eyes (frontal lobe). Casting it with (the stone, the word of God, thrown with the sling, the power of the Spirit). Then, only in this way can we ground the giant who stalks us day and night and cut off his head, replacing it with the head that is Christ. ‘And ye have been made complete in Him, who is the head over all power and authority.’ (Colossians 2:10).


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