A Mysterious Flash From Space is a Black Hole Jet Pointing Directly at Earth


A mysterious flash from space is a black hole jet pointing directly at Earth

This mysteriously bright flash is a black hole jet pointing straight toward Earth, astronomers say. Astronomers have determined the source of an incredibly bright X-ray, gamma rays optical and radio signal appearing from halfway across the Universe.    https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/

In 2012 researchers found evidence that our planet had been struck by a blast of radiation during the Middle Ages. A gamma-ray burst, the most powerful explosion known in the Universe, may have hit the Earth in the 8t h Century. According to the scientists: "Gamma-ray bursts are very, very explosive and energetic events, and so we considered from the energy what would be the distance given the energy observed. If a cosmic explosion happened at the same distance as the 8th Century event, it could knock out our satellites. But if it occurred even closer - just a few hundred light-years away - it would destroy our ozone layer, with devastating effects on life on Earth. Of all the cosmic catastrophes that could affect our planet, an attack by radiation from a gamma-ray burst is certainly one of the most extreme. 

GRBs, as they're called, are powerful events that release huge amounts of gamma rays. These are among the most deadly radiation known. If a person happened to be near a gamma-ray-producing object, they'd be fried in an instant. Certainly, a gamma-ray burst could affect life's DNA, causing genetic damage long after the burst is over. If such a thing happened in Earth's history, it could well have altered the evolution of life on our planet. With the gamma rays beamed directly at Earth, the radiation would destroy a significant portion of our atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer. The photons streaming from the burst would cause chemical reactions leading to photochemical smog. This would further deplete our protection from cosmic rays. Then there are the lethal doses of radiation that surface life would experience. The end result would be mass extinctions of most species of life on our planet.

A Wake-up call

The Bible has many verses that tell us about the Day of the Lord when he comes again to earth. Jesus himself says: "As lightning flashes from the east and flashes to the west, so will the Coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24:27). Jesus narrates it from the perspective of the speed of light, like a  lightning. Peter tells an account of such an effect, of that powerful energy, that he sees it igniting the elements of the heavens when he says: 

"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. Of the day of God, the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise, we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells." (2 Peter 3:9-13). 

Elon Musk's theory of the fossil fuels effect in the atmosphere is in accord with that of 2 Peter 3:9-13). "When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming. Already the average global temperature has increased by 1C1. Fossil fuels have a significant impact on the environment. They cause land degradation, water pollution, and atmospheric pollution2. When fossil fuels are burned, they also release other greenhouse gases which trap heat in our atmosphere, making them the primary contributors to global warming and climate change2.

I hope this helps!


Referring to the people of Israel, when God visited them on Mount Sinai and commanded them not to come near and purify themselves so that the fire would not harm them, the book of Hebrews says the following:"Because you have not come near to the mountain that could be felt, and that burned with fire, to the darkness, , and to the storm, to the sound of the trumpet, and to the voice that spoke, which those who heard it prayed that they would not they were spoken to more, and so terrible was what was seen, that Moses said: I am terrified and trembling; but you have come near to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to the company of many thousands of angels, to the congregation of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of the just made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks better than Abel's." (Hebrews 18:24).


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