
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2024

Cristianismo y Física Cuántica

La analogía entre la naturaleza dual (espíritu-materia) deverdadero Dios de la Luz y la naturaleza dual (onda-partícula) de la teoría de la luz natural de Albert Einstein No hay duda de que vivimos en una época en la que la gente corre de aquí para allá y de allá para acá, y la ciencia se multiplica a pasos agigantados.

9-11 and the Bible - Capitulo X1

 Capítulo XI La primera bestia que salió del mar de Apocalipsis 13 (13) Una de las prioridades de Obama en la cumbre (G-20) de 2009 fue su giro estratégico hacia Asia-Pacífico, desplazando el foco de Europa durante 200 años hacia Asia o pasando del Atlántico al Pacífico. Así, Obama se autoproclamó “el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos en el Pacífico”. Detrás de este título, China es un factor directo. Así, el grupo del dragón escarlata (G-7) da autoridad a la primera bestia (G-20). La U.E. (G-7), bajo la presidencia de Barack Obama, da autoridad a la primera bestia de Apocalipsis 13 – (G-20), China. Los fundamentos para un nuevo orden “El dragón se paró en la orilla del mar. Y vi una bestia que subía del mar.  Tenía diez (10) cuernos y siete (7) cabezas, con diez (10) diademas en sus cuernos y cada cabeza un nombre blasfemo. La bestia que vi se parecía a un leopardo, pero tenía pies como de oso y boca como de león. El dragón escarlata del capítulo 12 (G-7) saliendo del m...

9-11 and the Bible - Introduction

  Introduction   This work is about the striking parallelism between the 9-11 – World Trade Center – terrorist attacks and the Bible’s 9-11 verses. 9-11 is commonly used to designate the date of September 11, 2001, the date of the Trade World Center's towers destruction in New York City. A terrorist group hijacked four commercial airplanes and diverted them to New York City's twin towers and the Pentagon in Virginia.   9-11 is also a Universal call. The phone number to call when having an emergency. But 9-11 is   – “God’s 9-1-1 emergency call to America,” – and the 21st-century church that is not reacting to the most violent and fierce attack on our society's principles and fundamental values. Just as in the times of the prophet Ezekiel, North American society suffers similar conditions to those of the people of Israel. Ezekiel says that he saw six men who came to destroy each with a mortal instrument in his hand. (Ezekiel 9:2) Also, the Lord shows him the ...

9-11 and the Bible II

Chapter XI   The First Beast Out of the Sea of Revelation Thirteen (13) One of Obama’s priorities at the (G-20) summit in 2009 was his strategic turn towards Asia-Pacific, shifting the focus from Europe for 200 years to Asia or turning from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Thus, Obama proclaimed himself “the first president of the United States in the Pacific.” Behind this title, China is a direct factor. Thus, the scarlet dragon (G-7) group gives authority to the first beast (G-20). E.U. (G-7), under the presidency of Barack Obama, gives authority to the first beast of Revelation 13 - (G-20), China. The Foundations for a New Order “ The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten (10) horns and seven (7) heads, with ten (10) crowns on its horns and each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion. The scarlet dragon of chapter 12  (G-7) out  of...

9-11 and the Bible

"9-11 and the Bible" -  A 9-1-1 Emergency Call to America by: Samuel Padilla Rosa, PhD Chapter VII The United States and the (G-7) Group under Bill Clinton's presidency, US Attorney General Janet Reno hosted the first meeting with her counterparts from the (G-8) countries, and her ministers produced their first joint communication. “The mother of seven will grow faint and breathe her last. Her sun will set while it is still day; she will be disgraced and humiliated. I will put the survivors to the sword before their enemies,” declares the Lord. Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends! I have neither lent nor borrowed, yet everyone curses me. The Lord said, “Surely I will deliver you for a good purpose; surely I will make your enemies plead with you in times of disaster and distress.” (Jeremiah 15: 9-11).             The (G-7) Group In 1975 the President of France, Valery Gi...