
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2023

Isaiah 12:1-6 and the Acts of January 6 at the Capitol in Washington

    The Acts of January 6 and the Prophecy of the Prophets Isaiah 12:1-6 and Jeremiah 12:4,6 Since my mission in this case is to limit my analysis to what the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah say in their respective chapters (12), and the facts concerning the acts of January 6, 2022, at the Capitol in Washington, I will limit myself to exposing the facts and the Word of God through the prophets. You, dear reader, will issue the corresponding judgement. Former President Donald Trump has appeared (4) times in court. a. Payments to Stormy Daniels and the Trump Organization. b. The classified documents found in Mar-a- Lago. c. The assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. d. Attempts to change election results in Georgia.  Judge Juan Merchan ordered the former president to appear again in December (12-4-2023).   Congress recommended (4) criminal charges against Trump for the former president's alleged involvement in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2023 (1-6).  ...

Isaiah 12:1-6 and the January 6 (1-6) Capitol's acts

  The Acts of January 6 and the Prophecy of the Pphet Isaiah 12:1-6 Since my mission in this case is to limit my analysis to what the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah say in their respective chapters (12), and the facts concerning the acts of January 6, 2022, at the Capitol in Washington, I will limit myself to exposing the facts and the Word of God through the prophets. You, dear reader, will issue the corresponding judgement. Former President Donald Trump has appeared (4) times in court. a. Payments to Stormy Daniels and the Trump Organization. b. The classified documents found in Mar-a- Lago. c. The assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. d. Attempts to change election results in Georgia.  Judge Juan Merchan ordered the former president to appear again in December (12-4-2023).   Congress recommended (4) criminal charges against Trump for the former president's alleged involvement in the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2023 (1-6).  The verse of (Isaiah 12: 4...

David .y Goliat y el Lóbulo Frontal del Cerebro

La Palabra de Dios para estos tiempos de Daniel 12:4  "Los  creyentes en el Evangelio  de Jesucristo estamos enfrentando al gigante cuyas ideas y pensamientos son contrarias a los valores y preceptos del evangelio. Estamos recibiendo el desprecio, las amenazas y el bulling del gigante que habiendo conocido a Dios, no le glorificaron como a Dios, ni le dieron gracias, sino que se envanecieron en sus razonamientos, y su necio corazón fue entenebrecido.   Profesando ser sabios, se hicieron necios,   y cambiaron la gloria del Dios incorruptible en semejanza de imagen de hombre corruptible, de aves, de cuadrúpedos y de reptiles. En fin, los violentos y perversos hombres de los que habla el autor de Romanos capítulo 1.        Esta historia, propia para niños por su sencillez, en estos tiempos de Daniel 12;4, cuando la ciencia se multiplica a pasos agigantados,  cobra un sin igual sentido espiritual. Todos nosotros tenemos un gigante quien...