The Two Beasts of Revelation Thirteen (13)
The Earth and its Inhabitants Worship the First Beast, Whose Fatal Wound Had Been Healed. Then I saw a second beast coming out of the earth. It had two (2) horns like a lamb (Russia and China), but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised the first beast's authority on its behalf and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed . (Revelation 13:11,12) (Evergrande ’s debt problem (9-11, 2021) left China on the verge of economic collapse. In the absence of Russia at the 2021 meeting, the group (G-7), with President Joe Biden present, mentioned China, assuring that the powers will seek a collective response to counteract “non-market-oriented policies” and underline their commitment to the countries of the world. Likewise, the (G-20) included, thus, large economies such as China to reinforce a fair and beneficial global economic system for all - (The New World Order of Busch, father). And it perform...